

  • Bookkeping on a daily basis
  • Closing entry
  • Financial report (tailor-made)
  • VAT assessment
  • Tax return for business
  • Tax return for private individual

Bookkeeping and Accounting

Many self-employed or SMEs in Switzerland which have to carry out bookkeeping to comply with the Swiss Code of Obligation (CO). Manzoni Consulting supply bookkeeping services and accounting support on our own local or client remote accounting systems. These can be in both English or in French as required. We also can liaise back to group head offices answering queries on local accounting issues. All bookkeeping and accounting services are carried out in Switzerland and are not outsourced.

In Switzerland, when an individual is registered as being self-employed, he or she has to prepare financial statements to present to both the social security and the taxation authorities. We work with you to prepare accounts that comply with the local authorities in accordance with local Swiss GAAP (Generally accepted accounting principles).


Organisations that have revenues in excess of CHF 100,000 in Switzerland need to register with the Swiss federal VAT authorities and make a quarterly declaration of their figures within 60 days from the end of each quarter. We can assist your organisation to register with the VAT authorities and to prepare the quarterly VAT declaration as well as assisting with answering any queries that may arise from the authorities.

All business entities in Switzerland need to prepare and send in an annual declaration to the local cantonal tax authorities. We can assist you in both the preparation and the verification of the corporate taxation declarations as well as assisting in communication with the local taxation authorities to resolve any outstanding issues.


From the beginning to the exit of the employee of the company, Manzoni Consulting provides assistance throughout the entire employment cycle.

When an organisation has staff employed there are various obligations that the organisation has to comply with. We can provide a turn-key payroll facility for your business in Switzerland. This includes the registration of the business with the tax at source, social security, pension and accident insurance parties as well as operating a monthly payroll facility with on-going reporting for your internal organisation’s needs as well as to the external government organisations.





SAROD Strategy

It was easy to understand after dealing with several independents and SMEs, that a small organization cannot afford the great management tools used in multinationals. It was therefore difficult to translate the complex strategies and models used in multinational corporations into smaller companies.


The Boston Matrix clearly categorize your different products & services. Your company development and the surge of its result will be strongly correlated to the products & services which offer the guarantee of promising return assuring market shares growth.


SMART objectives (specific, measurable, Achievable, Relevant , time bound) are essential to staking your activity. A “Deming wheel” integration allows to continually improving the objectives in progress.


CANVAS business model application provides a fast and accurate understanding of your company and its evolution in the environment.


Famous SWOT analysis identifies your company’s strengths & weaknesses and the threats & opportunities.


A cause and effect diagram suggested by engineer Kaoru Ishikawa supported by a heuristic map leads to thoughtful solutions for the establishment of a stronger structure than the previous one.

It is necessary to synthesize these different models in a more flexible tool at the energy, financial and temporal levels.

The SAROD method (Structure, Activities, Restructuring, Objectives, Development) is proving to be a more realistic and effective model for smaller companies. The goal is to reap the benefits of a lightweight structure and react quickly on all the components of the business circle.

The methodology for applying the SAROD method is simple. It involves asking questions about the current situation and using the basic tools of business management:


Application of the CANVAS model


SWOT and PESTEL analysis


Resume Ishikawa diagram and heuristic map


SMART and Deming Wheel


Boston matrix analysis


The multinationals perfectly know the notion of management control and apply it rigorously.

Effective internal control must be organized. It is necessary to regularly analyze and deal with the existing procedures. In the context of performance monitoring, the decisions and measures taken are verified from the point of view of their profitability and efficiency.

What is essential, is to analyze and comment on results as well as performance indicators (KPIs). According to the COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission), very few self-employed and SMEs analyze rigorously their results on a regular basis. In-depth controls applied in multinationals are not only present to detect intentional fraud. The main objective is to avoid accounting drifts naturally created by the incessant come and go of thousands or millions of transactions.

Mastering your budgets and indicators is primary to have a clear vision of your future.

The financing of your future investments, the correction of advertising expenses and the projection of your future expenses and products are essential elements to grow your business.

The use of simple checklists instead of complex control measures in the form of expensive audits provided by the Big Four (DTT, EY, KPMG, PwC) are often sufficient for less complex activities.

The different tasks and responsibilities for management control is generally broad and encompasses:

  • Collaboration and coordination of an overall plan for the company
  • Assistance in developing strategies and objectives
  • Verification of the gap between the reality of business and the initial strategy
  • Ensuring the efficiency of the company’s processes
  • Synthesis of accounting information to create a decision support tool

Manzoni Consulting considers several criteria such as size (number of subsidiaries, number of employees) and business complexity (dynamic market, variety of products, market diversity, hierarchical structure) to apply a method of controlling management adapted in energy and costs.

Business analysis

The hourglass is a metaphor used to help the client understand the methodology applied during the analysis of the case. Your company encounters one or more issues directly related to its business. Our first objective is therefore to identify these different problems and then, to categorize them. We then meticulously analyze the sand (representing the problems encountered) one after the other for the sole purpose of finding adequate solutions to pass them through the second part of the hourglass.

If the solutions proposed do not reach the expected objectives, we will start the process again by turning the hourglass until an optimal operational result is obtained. The motto is: “for each problem, its solution.”

A simple but effective method of analysis that has already demonstrated its strength in different sectors of activity. The main thing is to look for the real solution that is often found by going back to the roots of a problematic.

Contact us for more information